Articles on parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.
Don’t Wait to Make Memories
Life is so short. Never wait to make memories.
Toxic Therapists and How to Recognize Them
I came to therapy like most people. A major life transition. My counselor helped me navigate my family as I prepared to graduate from college. Her compassionate guidance was like a compass pointing to the North Star, and in each session, I learned how I couldn't save people or change the past but could become a better person. By working with Katherine, I realized how much an experienced psychologist could help you and, later, how a lousy therapist could destroy your [...]
Red Flags of Toxic Managers & Companies
How to help new college graduates identify problematic workplaces
After the Psychopathic Partner, Now What?
If you've been in a relationship with a ruthless manipulator, you know the devastation is far-reaching. They reduce life to a game of winning, a compulsion to obliterate anyone or anything standing in their way. Understand that regardless of what they say, they have no emotional attachment to anyone, fairness, or justice. They lack cognitive empathy, and the researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health found a link between sociopathic deficits in recognizing emotions and amygdala dysfunction. Sadly, they cannot [...]
Healthy Anger vs. Narcissistic Rage
Most people believe that anger is inherently toxic or harmful. And that is not true. Anger is our natural reaction to something that is not right. Our bodies instinctively respond to someone trespassing on our physical, emotional, or mental boundaries. It is situational, occurring when needed to fend off a threat and then subside. Healthy anger can motivate us to fight injustice or protect our children like a mama bear. It can push us to leave unhealthy relationships. It is not [...]
Dating After Toxic Relationships
Dating after an abusive relationship presents unique challenges since most survivors experience chronic PTSD… especially if you were with a cluster B personality (narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, or BPD) and survived childhood trauma. But pat yourself on the back for taking the first step in leaving. Abuse alters brain chemistry, making it almost impossible for victims to leave their abusers. According to a study conducted by UCLA psychology professor Shelley Taylor, “oxytocin released from the amygdala promotes positive social bonds and has [...]
Spotting a Psychopath
It was a bone-chilling conversation that I will never forget. The tiny hairs on my neck stood as I watched his hands fondle his whiskey glass. “So, how does a guy make you love him?” He stared at me with dilated pupils, black, unblinking, watching my throat. Earlier, he had claimed how easy he could make my life, peppered with questions about my financial wherewithal and knowledge about me that extended beyond a simple Google search. At first, Johnny claimed that [...]