
Articles on parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.

Alexis Azria’s articles explore parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.


Dating After Toxic Relationships

Dating after an abusive relationship presents unique challenges since most survivors experience chronic PTSD… especially if you were with a cluster B personality (narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, or BPD) and survived childhood trauma. But pat yourself on the back for taking the first step in leaving. Abuse alters brain chemistry, making it almost impossible for victims to leave their abusers. According to a study conducted by UCLA psychology professor Shelley Taylor, “oxytocin released from the amygdala promotes positive social bonds and has [...]

November 15, 2023|Categories: Articles, Blog, tips - recovery coach|

Spotting a Psychopath

It was a bone-chilling conversation that I will never forget. The tiny hairs on my neck stood as I watched his hands fondle his whiskey glass. “So, how does a guy make you love him?” He stared at me with dilated pupils, black, unblinking, watching my throat. Earlier, he had claimed how easy he could make my life, peppered with questions about my financial wherewithal and knowledge about me that extended beyond a simple Google search. At first, Johnny claimed that [...]

November 1, 2023|Categories: Articles, Blog, tips - recovery coach|Tags: |

The Lasting Damage of Narcissistic Fathers on Daughters

We cannot underestimate the long-term damage inflicted on the daughters of narcissistic dads or how these relationships become the templates for future partners. With their disregard for personal boundaries, these charismatic men expect everyone including their children to satisfy their smallest whim. If they do not receive the demanded narcissistic supply, they will withhold affection and neglect their child's emotional and physical needs. The daughter, as a result, will only get approval through her total obedience and blind loyalty. This is [...]

December 10, 2022|Categories: Blog, parenting|
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