Articles on parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.
Why Do You Alway Sabotage Yourself?
Recently I watched “Defending Your Life” where the newly dead main character had to defend his past choices. I wondered, "Why do so many of us destroy our lives with fear? And how can we stop it?"
Body Language — So much information!
Our gestures, expressions, looks, and even how we take up personal space broadcast our true feelings to people in the room.
The Best National Parks to Visit With Your Family
As a former educator, I looked for every possibility to teach my daughter about history, geography, biology, even culture, and movies. I found that our 423 American National Parks are the perfect classrooms for children, regardless of age. With multiple historical sites and monuments, including battlefields, our National Parks can teach families about the beauty of our nation’s diverse geography and ecosystems and bring our nation’s stories to life. As you plan your trip, ask yourself what does your family love? [...]
Toxic Friends and 8 Ways to Identify Them
Do you find yourself constantly choosing people who aren't good friends, who prefer to tear you down instead of lifting you up?
Visiting the Big Apple with Your Family
New York City is a fantastic place to bring children. We have Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, Yankee Stadium, and even the Museum of Ice Cream.
Walk Away and Reclaim Your Worth
Until you matter enough to yourself, you’re not going to matter to anybody else.