
Articles on parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.

Alexis Azria’s articles explore parenting, social and work issues, concentrating on solutions and reaching thousands of readers.


10 Financial Tips They Never Tell Young Women

As my daughter and her friends finished their first year working in Manhattan, it became evident that equal pay and sexual harassment are still challenges for most women. As they navigated difficult hurdles at their offices, they would ask me my thoughts on a supervisor’s actions, a co-worker’s response, or a corporate policy. And I realized that women of all creeds and colors still face many of the same issues we did years ago. So to help them, I’ve written the [...]

April 20, 2022|Categories: Articles|

Why Do Narcissists Always Choose You?

When Anita’s live-in boyfriend suddenly refused to retrieve his son from his ex-wife and then flew to Las Vegas on a whim with his co-workers for a boozy weekend, she immediately knew she was dealing with a narcissist. Over coffee, she asked me, “Why are all the sick puppies attracted to me?” It’s a question many women ask themselves after leaving a narcissistic relationship. However, when dealing with an experienced, successful predator who initially molds themselves to be your perfect partner, [...]

April 2, 2022|Categories: Articles|

Why Ukraine Matters

Why Ukraine Matters to each of us... As an exchange student in 1984, I was immediately plunged into the European political arena every day on our campus in Normandy. International refugees poured into France from Poland, Iran, Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, and other countries. Nearly 600 terrorist attacks occurred that year including the IRA bombings in the United Kingdom, Direct Actions bombings in Paris, as well as the 300 bombs claimed by the Front for the National Liberation of Corsica. America was [...]

February 25, 2022|Categories: Blog|

Why We Choose Emotionally Unavailable Partners & How to Stop

My friend Robert told me why he chose emotionally unavailable partners. “No parent wants to inflict pain on their children but sometimes they can’t help it. My mother had untreated bipolar disorder, suffering from bouts of depression and mania. My dad was helpless in the face of her episodes so he shut down, exploding in anger which made mom worse. Every day was scary. As a result, my sister and I became the parents in our family, with me forging permission [...]

February 23, 2022|Categories: Blog|
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